Just out of curiosity I searched the term “Search Engine” on Google. I was actually testing if Google returned google.com for the term “search engine”. This is what I got. (see snapshot below)
Wow, according to Google, Bing is the No One Search Engine on the planet. Interesting, eh?

This was the result on google India. There were different results on Google.com.
So to what extent are these listings valid? Shall we take that as the real results? I do a wee bit of SEO so I ask from the SEO angle. Is it possible that Bing could have mustered more backlinks than yahoo and Google for the keyword “search engine”. I wonder.
What does Google want here? May be they feel shy suggesting their own name when someone asks them ‘which is the best search engine around’.
Well there is always the obvious fact that we must consider here. Since the search is being made on Google the user is aware of Google. So the result google.com looses relevance. But that does not answer the question? Is this factor included in the algorithm? If no, then these are filtered results with the previously mentioned factors included.
But if you want to filter yourself then go off completely. What does it mean when google.co.in and google.com feature on the next page of results after www.123khoj.com and www.mamma.com . I say these results are strange. What do you say?