Solved: Gsuite Error – User name Conflicts with a consumer account.

August 9, 2020

Have you encountered an error while adding a new user to your Gsuite account recently that says “User name Conflicts with consumer account”? Then this article will help you exactly address the problem and successfully create a new email id / gsuite user.

I have been a Google Partner and authorized Gsuite Reseller in India since 2014 and I have added hundreds of new accounts. Even then, such issues come up once in a while and in such a case even Google Support could not provide a proper resolution to my issue.

User name Conflicts with consumer account - gsuite add user error

The resolution to this is easy if you know what is causing the problem exactly. However, even after talking to two Google Support execs from US they could not confirm the exact reason for this. While one of them said ” I had to delete or rename the same email id on webmail” andoher said ” I had to delete the personal gmail account associated with this email id”.

What exactly causes – User name Conflicts with consumer account error?

  1. Adding an external email to your gmail account to read incoming messages on gmail. That is when you have tried to connect your webmail or other external email to your google account.
  2. Adding a domain alias or emails alias or alternate email to your personal google account or any other gsuite account.
  3. If the email id exists on Gsuite already and you are not aware of it. Some of your colleagues or ex-workers might have attempted to move your current email system to gmail for could not complete the process.
  4. You already have that email id registered via a reseller of Google Apps.

In the above situations google already creates an username with the concerned email id even though its not on the same domain you have on gsuite or your personal gmail account. So for example if I have and I add as an alias or alternate email then if I have move to gsuite in future I will get this particular error.

How to fix this error?

For point 3 and 4 above, if the account exists on another gsuite or reseller acocunt then you have to get that particular user deleted or ask the reseller to end reseller agreement so that you can re-claim your domain and emails and use directly with Google Apps. Do delete a user account follow the process below. (Screenshot provided)

How to Delete your gmail or google account.

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Rooturaj Pattanaik

Technology & Business Consultant with customers across 6 countries. A doting father and loving husband writing about various topics like Technology, Travel, Society, Digital marketing, Investment consulting etc.


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