Dear Readers,
This post is for all Facebookers who are concerned about their social security and privacy on world’s most popular Social Network. We know Facebook is not very interested in safeguarding our privacy. You might like my last post about Facebook Privacy fiasco to see the dangers facing you on FB. Some of my friends on Facebook are so concerned that they are planning to leave Facebook for ever. So I planned a series of posts to help my friends and YOU to use facebook safely. This is the first in the series.
Think twice before you allow that stupid facebook app.
Some of us just use facebook for the apps or so it seems. You open their public profiles and see automatic updates from a host of crappy apps. I hate such kind of users. They don’t do much on Facebook so they allow all kind of apps to access information. But they don’t realize that the apps are pulling information about their friends as well. If you are not concerned about yourself least take a moment to think about your friends.
I logged on to facebook today and there were some updates. One of them was this.

Now see what questions is it discussing? Definitely personal right? This person who choose to use the app is a close friend so I have no issues with it. But imagine I do the same and it pulls up this kind of crap with my clients or relatives. You do not know whom it is targeting..because you authorized it to access friend’s information. When? yeah you might ask that… Note that link at the end of the update…see what they said…its a link bait…they induce you to click the link..then some thing like this comes up.
- Think twice before you allow that damn app next time
If I want to use this app ( I would actually never do it) its fine but I have no right exposing my friends to such kinda stuff. God knows what they are doing with the information they pull out from our profiles. Given that they are discussing things like Virgin – hot- hooking up they could be well be one of those sick companies selling viagra or dating service sites. Or they could simply sell out your information to those who do it.
My request to you all is
to take a moment and think twice before you allow any app.
Do not expose your friends privacy.
Stay away form those people who are on facebook just for those apps and games.
Take a moment to set you privacy settings.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rooturaj Pattanaik, Rooturaj Pattanaik. Rooturaj Pattanaik said: New post: Think Twice before you allow that Facebook App ( […]
Yeah Raj…You are right. We should take our privacy into our own hands. I don’t like these third parties to spy on me or my friends. Why cant people find a better way to monetize their service.