There used to be an app on Facebook till yesterday called Kal Kya Hoga. This bull shit application transgressed the line between lite humor and public slandering of unsuspecting Facebook Users. These involved serious privacy violation and defamation that not only affected involved facebookers but their friends and families as well.
I site this instance because it happened to me and I swore I would stamp out this nonsense for ever. I never subscribed for this app – Kal Kya Hoga, but one of my friends did. This application takes in a friends name and throws out some random nonsense that is supposed to happen to the friend in future. I understand this is supposed to be funny but there is a limit to every thing and on this occasion it did cross the limit.
Here is the blotted snapshot of the app. It was a blatant attack on my character and I was in no mood to take it lightly. Not just that, it is an attack on my family as well. Its a different matter that I am not married. It could have soured relations between me and the friend who published the same. Why should I loose a great friend for a sick and sightless software application created by some dung-brain programmer?

It could be happening to many more people. I shudder to think what degree of insults these people would be coming up with. This had to stop.
I reported the matter to the company that helped create this app – Phrases, by Their first response was casual and it seemed they wanted to brush aside this issue. Here is their reply.
Totally dissatisfied I shot back the following.
At the same time I reported the matter to Facebook too. Then it worked. The snake was nailed. Kal Kay Hoga app got what it rightly deserved – the Ban.
I am grateful to the creators of Phrase for the maturity they have shown in addressing social security issues. This will not only cement your reputation as professional developers for social media platforms but mark you as a team of caring individuals too.
A word to fellow Facebookers.
Do take such instances seriously and report them as required. Read once what you are publishing on the social media. If it is not appropriate for your parents, younger siblings or weaker section of society do not publish it. It hurts others and in this process you could loose a valuable friend. I am not sure if you can see it but it actually is a huge loss.
*Disclaimer : There are some people and companies mentioned above. If for any reason you feel this is incursion into your privacy just let me know.