Jannaa khedjanna jawaar - Sorghum

Meaning of Jannaa khedjanna jawaar in English. How does Sorghum look like

Learn what is Chara, Jawar(Hindi), Jannaa, khedjanna, jawaar(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Sorghum look like
  • Jannaa khedjanna jawaar transliterate in EnglishSorghum
  • Jannaa khedjanna jawaar description in English

    Sorghum is also known as great millet, Indian millet, and milo is a cereal grain plant of the grass family. With its origins in Africa where it is a major food crop with a number of varieties, it is used for food, hay, and fodder, as well as in making brooms and brushes. In India, Sorghum is known as jowar, cholam, or jonna while in West Africa it is known as Guniea corn, and in China as kaoliang. 

    Sorghum grows up to a height of 0.6 to 2.4 meters and sometimes can grow up to 4.6 meters. Sorghum contains high amounts of carbs and moderate amounts of protein, fat, calcium, and small amounts of iron, making it one of the most nutritional plants.

    The Scientific Name of sorghum is Sorghum bicolor

  • Sorghum word root and origin:



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