Kutki bajra moraiyo bajra - Little Millet

Meaning of Kutki bajra moraiyo bajra in English. How does Little Millet look like

Learn what is Kutki Bajra, Moraiyo Bajra(Hindi), Suan, koshla, kuiri, gurji(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Little Millet look like
  • Kutki bajra moraiyo bajra transliterate in EnglishLittle Millet
  • Kutki bajra moraiyo bajra description in English

    Similar to Proso millet, little millet has all the same properties except it is smaller in size. The largest cultivation center of little millet is in India. Little millet is usually planted using a seed drill. It can also be used as food for cattle. Little millet is most commonly known in India as Kutki. It has a wide range of health benefits including weight loss assistance, detoxication, and improved heart health. 

    Little millet can be incorporated into diets easily. It can be mixed with vegetables for making a salad, in chapatis for that extra crunch, and in muffins and bread to add that special taste. 

    The Scientific name of Little Millet is Panicum sumatrense.

  • Little Millet word root and origin:


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