Mote anaaj - Millet

Meaning of Mote anaaj in English. How does Millet look like

Learn what is Mote anaaj(Hindi), Mota sashya(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Millet look like
  • Mote anaaj transliterate in EnglishMillet
  • Mote anaaj description in English

    Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses that vary in size and appearance. It is grown around the world as cereal crops and is also used as human food. Millets are especially important in semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa including Nigeria, India, Mali, and NIger. The crop can grow very shortly and can sustain under dry, high-temperature conditions. 

    Indigenous to many parts of the world, Millets have been a part of the human diet for the last 7000 years and might have an integral role in the rise of multi-crop agriculture and settled farming societies.

    The Scientific Name of Millet is :- Panicum miliaceum.

  • Millet word root and origin:



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