Raagi - Finger Millet
Meaning of Raagi in English. How does Finger Millet look like
Learn what is Raagi(Hindi), Mandia(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

- Raagi transliterate in EnglishFinger Millet
Raagi description in English
Finger millets are probably one of the oldest indigenous domesticated tropical cereals in Africa. It can thrive under harsh weather conditions and is a very productive plant. It can grow on low-fertility soil and can prosper without the use of fertilizers, making it an optimum plant for arid and semi-arid regions. Finger millet keeps the storage pests at bay for as long as 10 years, which means round-the-year food supply even during a crop failure. These are the reasons why finger millet is also known as famine crop.
Finger millets are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and energy and are a great food for pregnant women and children.
The Scientific Name of finger millet is Eleusine coracana
Finger Millet word root and origin:
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