Kangni bajra - Foxtail Millet

Meaning of Kangni bajra in English. How does Foxtail Millet look like

Learn what is Kangni Bajra(Hindi), Kangu, kangam, gondli(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Foxtail Millet look like
  • Kangni bajra transliterate in EnglishFoxtail Millet
  • Kangni bajra description in English

    Foxtail millet is a type of millet grown for human consumption. It is mostly grown in Asia and is the second most widely planted species of the plant. Some of the oldest traces of foxtail millets were found in the ancient course of the yellow river in Cisha, China. Foxtail has also been a widely grown species of millet in India. 

    Foxtail millet has slim leafy stems ranging from a height of 4ft to 6.6ft. In South India, foxtail millet has been a primary source of diet among people from the Sangam ages. Moreover, in China, it is the most common millet and one of the most used food corps, especially among the poor. Since it is a warm-weather crop, it is usually planted in the months of Spring and is harvested within 65 to 70 days.

    The Scientific Name of Foxtail Millet is Setaria italica

  • Foxtail Millet word root and origin:



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