Fake Tax Refund Mail from Income Tax Department incometaxindiafiling.gov.in – Rooturaj's Blog

Fake Tax Refund Mail from Income Tax Department incometaxindiafiling.gov.in

May 15, 2012

This is a security and fraud alert to my readers. This mail is affecting many people in India. If you see something like this click spam and delete. Do not click the link provided or submit any information they might ask. Just hit delete.

Dear Valued Taxpayer,

We regret to inform you that your tax refund request was NOT processed successfully. This is beleived to have been caused by the submittion of incorrect/inacurate account information.

However, after the last account audition, the total refund payable to you is now 42,320.00 INR. Please follow the link below to re-submit a refund request and this time, endeavor to fill in your Information accurately to avoid further delay in the remittance of your tax refunds into your account

CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT A REFUND REQUEST (malicious link removed)

Note: Your request will be processed within a period of ten (10) working days

We appreciate taking the time to learn about our tax refund. It’s one more way Income tax department can make your tax payment experience better.

Tax Refund Department
Department 0f revenue,
Ministry 0f finance,

Here is the header of the mail. Pay close attention how they try to mimic a government site with a .gov.in extension. Also note that it actually originates from a different domain than what they specify.

Header of the Fake mail from income tax department regarding tax refund.


I urge you to share this post to help not some tech savvy friends of ours from falling into fraud traps like this one.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Pls. bring into the notice of cyber crime and let them know these fake email getting circulated.

    Received the same mails 3 times, i tried the link and it was taking me into an bank website, which is been replicated same as original bank site. I entered the wrong credentials and it was accepting the same. it will ask you for all bank credentials and card details. even if you are giving the wrong details it is accepting. may be getting recorded in the back end.

    Be carefull about providing any bank details to such emails.


  2. I too also have received this. Its good that you have shared this piece of information on your site. I’m sure that many like minded people will take a note of the same.

    Happy clicking!!

  3. Thanks buddy for sharing this info. Even I have received it twice today. By seeing the content and the refund amount I got suspicious. So searched for this website and finally reached here.

  4. This a utter lapse of our Govt Agencies who are incapable of dealing with such scams. I got this email and the first thing I asked my self, in our country how come any Dept will be so proactive that it will bother to return people money as refund????

    Instead there are ample of Departments which might refund after many years of fight and personal visit’s till you change many shoes as their sole will not support you any more.

    Citizens need to be aware about such culprits who are born TERMITES because maybe thier parents raised them thatway , hence they do nothing (Bloody useless Bums) and eat hard earned money of others. Lets smoke them such Termites out of their mounds .


    Rohit Warrior Upadhyaya
    New Delhi.

    From: Income Tax Department . .
    To: airbus38@gmail.com
    Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 5:12 AM
    Subject: Re: Tax Refunds Notification.. .

    Dear Valued Taxpayer,

    We regret to bring to your notice that your tax refund request was NOT successfully processed. This is due to the submission of incorrect/wrong account particulars.

    Nevertheless, the just concluded quaterly account audit shows that the total tax excesses refundable to you is now Rs 39,325.72 . Please follow the reference below to re-submit a refund request and this time, endeavor to input your Information carefully to avoid further delay in the remittance of your tax refunds into your account


    Note: Your request will be processed within TEN (10) working days.

    We appreciate your sparing the time to learn about our tax refunds. It’s one extra way income tax department can make your tax payment experience better.

    :G0VT. Of INDIA :

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