Here is another fraud alert I am bringing to your notice. This used to happen in our mail boxes as junk mail but now this has got real and this can be misleading to many naive users on Facebook. Remember those mails from Bank Employees who tell you some <XYZ YourSurname> has died without an heir or nominee and since your surname is same as the deceased they want to set you up as the benefactor and then split the money. The money is often in millions of US dollars.
Now, spammers have become more active and real, they send you friend requests with common friends (influential ones) between you and them. So you do not suspect and take them as a genuine person. Such spammers will have Names of real people employed in some real bank abroad. What ensues is something like what I have documents from screenshots of a real chat with a fraud bank manager – Vince Cook of the National bank of Fujairah.