Kukurmutta chhatrak - Mushroom

Meaning of Kukurmutta chhatrak in English. How does Mushroom look like

Learn what is Kukurmutta, Chhatrak(Hindi), Chhatu(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Mushroom look like
  • Kukurmutta chhatrak transliterate in EnglishMushroom
  • Kukurmutta chhatrak description in English

    Mushroom is basically a type of fungus which typically grows above the ground, on soil, and sometimes on its food source. It is the fleshy, spore-filled body of a fungus. The term mushroom goes back centuries but is never really defined. In the 15th century, the term “mushroom” was first used. There are many types of mushrooms, some edible, some psychedelic, and some downright poisonous. Identifying mushrooms require a basic understanding of their macroscopic nature. 

    Many mushroom species seemingly grow overnight, which also gave birth to the English expressions such as “to mushroom” or “mushrooming”, meaning growing rapidly. Mushrooms obtain nutrition by metabolizing non-living organic matter, which means they break down and eat dead plants.

  • Mushroom word root and origin:



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