Katahal panas - Jackfruit

Meaning of Katahal panas in English. How does Jackfruit look like

Learn what is Katahal, Panas(Hindi), Panasa(Odia), Kathal(Urdu) known as English.

How does Jackfruit look like
  • Katahal panas transliterate in EnglishJackfruit
  • Katahal panas description in English

    Jackfruit comes from the family of fig, mulberry, and breadfruit. Well suited for tropical lowlands, Jackfruits originated between the western ghats of Southern India and the rainforests of Malaysia. It bears one of the largest fruits of all trees, with each fruit weighing as much as 55 kgs. The unripe jackfruit has a meat-like texture, which makes this fruit a substitute for meat for vegetarian eaters.

    The Scientific Name of Jackfruit: Artocarpus heterophyllus

  • Jackfruit word root and origin:



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