Shatavari - Asparagus
Meaning of Shatavari in English. How does Asparagus look like
Learn what is Shatavari(Hindi), Shatavaree(Odia), Maar Choba(Urdu) known as English.
- Shatavari transliterate in EnglishAsparagus
Shatavari description in English
Once classified in the family of onions and garlic, Asparagus is bell-shaped, greenish-white to yellowish, with six tepals partially joined together at the end. The fruits are small red berries, which are poisonous for human beings. Asparagus is used as a vegetable because of its distinct flavor. Asparagus has been known to exist as a vegetable for human beings for as long as 3000 B.C.
The Scientific Name of Asparagus: Asparagus officinalis
Asparagus word root and origin:
Other Fruits and Vegetables in English