Kaddu - Butternut Squash
Meaning of Kaddu in English. How does Butternut Squash look like
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- Kaddu transliterate in EnglishButternut Squash
Kaddu description in English
Also known as butternut pumpkin or gramma, butternut squash is a type of water squash that grows on a vine. Like a pumpkin, it has a sweet and nutty taste. It is yellowish with orange flesh inside and a compartment of seeds in the blossom end. As the fruit ripens, it turns sweeter and richer in taste. While the butternut squash is botanically categorized as a fruit, it is used as a vegetable.
The Scientific Name of Butternut Squash: Cucurbita moschata ´Butternut´
Butternut Squash word root and origin:
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