Kaahu rashank lettice - Lettuce

Meaning of Kaahu rashank lettice in English. How does Lettuce look like

Learn what is Kaahu, Rashank, Lettice(Hindi), Lettuce(Odia), Kahoo(Urdu) known as English.

How does Lettuce look like
  • Kaahu rashank lettice transliterate in EnglishLettuce
  • Kaahu rashank lettice description in English

    Related to the daisy family, Lettuce is an annual vegetable plant grown for its leaves. It is most often used in salad, although it can be used in other varieties of food such as soup and sandwiches. It is a rich source of vitamin K and vitamin A and a moderate source of folate and iron.

    The Scientific Name of Lettuce: Lactuca sativa

  • Lettuce word root and origin:



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