Mandia - Finger Millet

Meaning of Mandia in English. How does Finger Millet look like

Learn what is Raagi(Hindi), Mandia(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Finger Millet look like
  • Mandia transliterate in EnglishFinger Millet
  • Mandia description in English

    Finger millets are probably one of the oldest indigenous domesticated tropical cereals in Africa. It can thrive under harsh weather conditions and is a very productive plant. It can grow on low-fertility soil and can prosper without the use of fertilizers, making it an optimum plant for arid and semi-arid regions. Finger millet keeps the storage pests at bay for as long as 10 years, which means round-the-year food supply even during a crop failure. These are the reasons why finger millet is also known as famine crop. 

    Finger millets are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and energy and are a great food for pregnant women and children.  

    The Scientific Name of finger millet is Eleusine coracana

  • Finger Millet word root and origin:



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