Belana pidha - Rolling Board & Pin

Meaning of Belana pidha in English. How does Rolling Board & Pin look like

Learn what is Chakla Belan(Hindi), Belana pidha(Odia), Chakla belan(Urdu) known as English.

How does Rolling Board & Pin look like
  • Belana pidha transliterate in EnglishRolling Board & Pin
  • Belana pidha description in English

    A rolling board is a smooth and circular shape kitchen tool made of wood and marble. The widespread usage of the rolling board is to roll different kinds of dough like roti, paratha, puri etc. Whereas the rolling pin is a cylindrical shaped object containing handles at both ends that are designed to roll out dough on the rolling board for flattening or shaping. 

    Other Common names for Rolling Pin or Chakla Belan in Hindi

    Roti Belan or Patla Belan or Girda Belan are also used commonly in different parts of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. 

  • Rolling Board & Pin word root and origin:


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