Chimta - Tongs

Meaning of Chimta in English. How does Tongs look like

Learn what is Chimta(Hindi), Chimuta(Odia), Dust Punha, Chimta(Urdu) known as English.

How does Tongs look like
  • Chimta transliterate in EnglishTongs
  • Chimta description in English

    Tongs are special tools for grabbing, lifting or turning objects that are otherwise highly receptive to touch. Tongs are used to maintain a safe distance and avoid making direct contact with the object, which mostly is a food item being cooked in hot flames. Made by turning a single band of metal into a V-shape, with both the open hand´s beaten flatter or incorporated with claws or spoons to make holding object easier, tongs keep your hands safe from the heat.

  • Tongs word root and origin:



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