Handee - Clay handi pot

Meaning of Handee in English. How does Clay handi pot look like

Learn what is Handee(Hindi), Mati handi patra(Odia), Handee(Urdu) known as English.

How does Clay handi pot look like
  • Handee transliterate in EnglishClay handi pot
  • Handee description in English

    Not unlike clay pots, clay handi pot is made out of clay and heated to a certain degree to have a solid structure. However, unlike clay pots, clay handi pots are made in the shape of a cauldron. Clay handi pot is usually massive and is used to store and cook food for a large group of people. It can be either stoneware, earthenware, china, or flameware. Among the clay pots, earthenware has the lowest firing temperature allowing it to be porous but fragile. 

  • Clay handi pot word root and origin:



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