Shalgam - Turnip

Meaning of Shalgam in English. How does Turnip look like

Learn what is Shaljam, Shikhamool, shalgam(Hindi), Shalgam(Odia), Saljam(Urdu) known as English.

How does Turnip look like
  • Shalgam transliterate in EnglishTurnip
  • Shalgam description in English

    Turnip is a root vegetable usually cultivated in temperate climates. Its white, fleshy taproot is used in vegetables in many parts of the world. Turnip is made out of two words tur as in turned or rounded, and neep from Latin word napus, which means plant. Turnip essentially means a rounded plant. Mostly turnips are white-skinned apart from the upper part, which protrudes above the ground. The protrusion is usually red or greenish.

    The Scientific Name of Turnip: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa

  • Turnip word root and origin:



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