Ajamod - Celery

Meaning of Ajamod in English. How does Celery look like

Learn what is Ajamod(Hindi), Dhania patra(Odia), Ajmod(Urdu) known as English.

How does Celery look like
  • Ajamod transliterate in EnglishCelery
  • Ajamod description in English

    Celery is a marshland plant that has been cultivated as a vegetable. It has long stalks coming out of the leaves. Either the stem, leaves, or hypocotyl of celery is eaten as vegetable depending on the location and the cultivar. The seeds of celery are also used as a spice, and the extracts come in handy in herbal medicine.

    The scientific name of celeryApium graveo

  • Celery word root and origin:



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