Kesar - Saffron

Meaning of Kesar in English. How does Saffron look like

Learn what is Kesar(Hindi), Keshar(Odia), Jafraaan(Urdu) known as English.

How does Saffron look like
  • Kesar transliterate in EnglishSaffron
  • Kesar description in English

    Saffron is one of the most expensive spices extracted from the flower of Crocus sativus that is used as a flavor in savory dishes as well as in beauty products. It grows only during the particular season and in certain some regions. even the small pinch of saffron packs a lot of color, aroma and flavor. It is believed to be more important in beauty products because of its anti- aging abilities, improves skin texture and it is also used to fight with asthma, cough.

    The Scientific name of Saffron:- Crocus sativus

  • Saffron word root and origin:



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