Dhaniya - Coriander
Meaning of Dhaniya in English. How does Coriander look like
Learn what is Dhaniya(Hindi), Dhania(Odia), Dhaniya(Urdu) known as English.

- Dhaniya transliterate in EnglishCoriander
Dhaniya description in English
Coriander is a herb used in various cuisines worldwide. Corriander seeds are also used in whole or powder form in cooking and medicinal usage.
Synonyms of Coriander: Chinese Parsley, Cilantro, etc.
The scientific name of Corriander:-Coriandrum sativum
Coriander word root and origin:Coriander originates from a Greek root the word koriannon, that some botanists believe may be connected to the word koris,
FAQs about Dhaniya (Coriander) in English.
What is the meaning of Dhaniya in English? What is Dhania called in English?
Dhania is called Coriander or Cilantro in the English language. In international usage, the leaves and stem of the coriander plant are called Cilantro, and the dried seed are called coriander seeds.
How does Coriander look like?
Coriander is a soft-tissue plant growing up to 50 cm (20 in) tall. The leaves are variable in shape but often resemble human hands. They are mostly broad at the base of the plantand slender and feathery higher on the flowering stems.
What is the difference between Coriander and Cilantro?
They are the same plant. In international usage, Cilantro refers to the leaves and stem of the coriander plant while the dried seeds are called Coriander seeds.
What is Dhaniya called in other Languages?
English - Coriander / Cilantro,Urdu - Dhaniya,Tamil -Kottamalli,Arabic - kasbara,Bengali -Dhanē