Kalonjee - Nigella

Meaning of Kalonjee in English. How does Nigella look like

Learn what is Kalonjee(Hindi), Kala jira(Odia), Kalonjee(Urdu) known as English.

How does Nigella look like
  • Kalonjee transliterate in EnglishNigella
  • Kalonjee description in English

    Also Known for the name of black cumin black onion seeds and black sesame seed or Kalonji in India, It is widely used as a flavorful spice in many cuisines. It has a powerful aroma and tastes similar to an onion, oregano and black pepper. It also has a higher inflammatory ability, may lower cholesterol, packed with antioxidants.

    The scientific name of nigella:- Nigella sativa

  • Nigella word root and origin:



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