Chandan ka tel - Sandalwood oil

Meaning of Chandan ka tel in English. How does Sandalwood oil look like

Learn what is Chandan ka tel(Hindi), Chandana katha tela(Odia), Sandal Ka Tel(Urdu) known as English.

How does Sandalwood oil look like
  • Chandan ka tel transliterate in EnglishSandalwood oil
  • Chandan ka tel description in English

    Sandalwood oil is a type of essential oil that is derived from the root of the sandalwood tree through the process of steam distillation. The principal places of production are India and Indonesia. While being extracted, the outcome of essential oil is pale yellow in colour while the fragrance is soft, rich, sweet, warm and woody. For centuries, it has been used as an alternative remedy to fight depression, rejuvenates skin, fight anxiety & stress, treat cough & cold, lower high blood pressure, ease heavy legs, prevent premature aging, and more.

    Note:- Sandalwood essential oil is more concentrated and potent, It is highly recommended to use as a mixture with a suitable carrier oil.

    The scientific name of sandalwood oil is:- Santalum album

  • Sandalwood oil word root and origin:



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