Methee ka tel - Fenugreek oil
Meaning of Methee ka tel in English. How does Fenugreek oil look like
Learn what is Methee ka tel(Hindi), Methi tela(Odia), Methee ka tel(Urdu) known as English.

- Methee ka tel transliterate in EnglishFenugreek oil
Methee ka tel description in English
Fenugreek essential oil is obtained from the seeds of the fenugreek tree. For centuries, both the leaves and seeds were widely used for food and medicinal purpose. The Egyptians, however, used this oil to embalm the dead. The notable places of production are India, Nepal, Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Argentina, France, Egypt, Spain China, Turkey, and Morocco. Though it has a plethora of health benefits, here are some prominent ones: nourishes hair helps weight loss, improves stomach health, improves kidney functions, reduces blood pressure, leaves the skin glowing.
The scientific name of Fenugreek oil:- Trigonella foenum-graecum
Fenugreek oil word root and origin:
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