Tulsi ka tel - Basil Oil

Meaning of Tulsi ka tel in English. How does Basil Oil look like

Learn what is Tulsi ka tel(Hindi), Basil tela(Odia), Tulsi Ka Tel(Urdu) known as English.

How does Basil Oil look like
  • Tulsi ka tel transliterate in EnglishBasil Oil
  • Tulsi ka tel description in English

    Basil oil is a type of essential oil commonly used as an alternative medicinal herb to cure nausea, motion sickness, inflammation, indigestion e.t.c. Extracted from the leaves of the Basil plant is also known as sweet basil oil in some other region. It is the most popular essential oil that is planted mostly in Central Asia, Europe, India and Southeast Asia.

    The Scientific name of basil essential oil:- Ocimum basilicum

  • Basil Oil word root and origin:



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