Tentuli gachha - Tamarind Tree
Meaning of Tentuli gachha in English. How does Tamarind Tree look like
Learn what is Imalee ka Ped(Hindi), Tentuli gachha(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.
- Tentuli gachha transliterate in EnglishTamarind Tree
Tentuli gachha description in English
The tamarind tree is an African origin evergreen tree that is now widely found all over the world. Its scientific name is Tamarindus Indica. The tamarind fruit of the tree is known for its unique sour and sweet flavor. It is used for multiple medicinal and culinary purposes.
The fruit tamarind has a brown bean like structure with tough seeds inside encased in the sweet sour pulp. This pulp is the main product of the trees which is used in drinks and food items. It is rich with vitamins,minerals and antioxidants.
The tamarind tree grows a vast canopy of feathery leaves and reaches about 100 feet. This structure of the tree is shady and useful in hot regions. Tamarind is prized for its therapeutic benefits as well because it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a wide range of conditions, including inflammation, fever, and digestive problems.
Tamarindus indica is a scientific name of Tamarind Tree
Image Credit: Tamarind Tree
Tamarind Tree word root and origin: