Chid ka ped - Pine Tree
Meaning of Chid ka ped in English. How does Pine Tree look like
Learn what is Chid ka Ped(Hindi), Paain gachha(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

- Chid ka ped transliterate in EnglishPine Tree
Chid ka ped description in English
The pine tree (Pinus) is a member of the Pinaceae family. It can be found all throughout the northern hemisphere in regions including North America, Europe, and Asia. There are over 115 different types of pine trees, ranging in size from tiny shrubs to enormous trees that can reach heights of 260 feet.
The cones of pine trees are typically woody and oval-shaped, and they contain needle-like leaves that grow in bundles. Blue-green to yellow-green needles can be seen on some trees, and they can remain on the tree for up to four years before dropping off. Pine cones can be found in a range of sizes, from tiny ones that are under 2 inches long to huge ones that can get as long as 18 inches.
The pine trees produce sturdy, light-weight wood that is frequently used for building, making furniture, and making paper. Pine needles and bark can also be used to create several different items, including soaps, oils, and salves, as well as tea.
Pine trees are frequently planted in parks and gardens and are also quite popular for landscaping. They can be used to make hedges, windbreaks, and privacy screens and are renowned for their distinctive shape and lovely green color. Pine trees can also help filter the air and provide a lovely scent.
Pinus is a scientific name of Pine Tree
Image Credit: Pine Tree
Pine Tree word root and origin: