Tentuli - Tamarind

Meaning of Tentuli in English. How does Tamarind look like

Learn what is Imali(Hindi), Tentuli(Odia), Imali(Urdu) known as English.

How does Tamarind look like
  • Tentuli transliterate in EnglishTamarind
  • Tentuli description in English

    Tamarind is a highly nutritive common spice in Indian cuisines used for cooking, health and household purposes. This dark brown colored fruit grows on large tamarind trees native to Africa, but also grows in India, Pakistan and some other tropical regions. In medical applications, it is used to treat diarrhoea, constipation, fever and peptic ulcers.

    The scientific name of Tamarind:- Tamarindus Indica

  • Tamarind word root and origin:



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