Dhania - Coriander

Meaning of Dhania in English. How does Coriander look like

Learn what is Dhaniya(Hindi), Dhania(Odia), Dhaniya(Urdu) known as English.

How does Coriander look like
  • Dhania transliterate in EnglishCoriander
  • Dhania description in English

    Coriander is a herb used in various cuisines worldwide. Corriander seeds are also used in whole or powder form in cooking and medicinal usage.

    Synonyms of Coriander: Chinese Parsley, Cilantro, etc.

    The scientific name of Corriander:-Coriandrum sativum

  • Coriander word root and origin:Coriander originates from a Greek root the word koriannon, that some botanists believe may be connected to the word koris,


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