Ashwa mula - Horseradish
Meaning of Ashwa mula in English. How does Horseradish look like
Learn what is Ashwa mooli(Hindi), Ashwa mula(Odia), Ashwa muli(Urdu) known as English.

- Ashwa mula transliterate in EnglishHorseradish
Ashwa mula description in English
Horseradish is a root vegetable belonging to the member of the brassica family. It is widely used as a condiment in cuisine because of its spicy and bitter flavour. It has a ton of medical benefits including lowering blood pressure, building strong bones, improving heart health, enhancing the immune system and eases up the respiratory conditions.
The scientific name of Horseradish:- Armoracia rusticana
Horseradish word root and origin:
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