Rosemary tela - Rosemary Oil

Meaning of Rosemary tela in English. How does Rosemary Oil look like

Learn what is Gulamehandee ka tel(Hindi), Rosemary tela(Odia), Akeel Kohistani ka tel(Urdu) known as English.

How does Rosemary Oil look like
  • Rosemary tela transliterate in EnglishRosemary Oil
  • Rosemary tela description in English

    Rosemary oil is an essential oil obtained from the same name Rosemary tree is a popular herb tree that is extensively cultivated in the Asia and Mediterranean region. It is widely used in the medicinal application for curing indigestions, constipation, Haircare in shampoo and lotions.

    The Scientific name of Rosemary Oil:- Rosmarinus officinalis

  • Rosemary Oil word root and origin:



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