Karpura tela - Camphor oil
Meaning of Karpura tela in English. How does Camphor oil look like
Learn what is Kapoor ka tel(Hindi), Karpura tela(Odia), Kaphoor Tel(Urdu) known as English.

- Karpura tela transliterate in EnglishCamphor oil
Karpura tela description in English
Camphor oil is a type of essential oil that is obtained from the branches and woods of camphor trees. The process includes steam distillation, purification and sublimation method. Surprisingly, the tree should be a minimum of 50 years old to derive an essential oil from the camphor tree. In older days, this essential oil was extensively used for medicinal purposes in China, Taiwan, India and Japan. Here are some important health benefits that have been recently proved by many sources:- treat colds, cough, congestion, asthma, relieves itchiness & irritation, reduces inflammation, fights against fungal infection e.t.c.
Note:- It is recommended to dilute camphor essential oil with other suitable carrier oil, before applying it on the skin.
The scientific name of camphor oil: Cinnamomum Camphora
Camphor oil word root and origin: