Barchha phawda belcha - Shovel (spade)

Meaning of Barchha phawda belcha in English. How does Shovel (spade) look like

Learn what is Belcha(Hindi), Barchha, phawda, belcha(Odia), Belcha(Urdu) known as English.

How does Shovel (spade) look like
  • Barchha phawda belcha transliterate in EnglishShovel (spade)
  • Barchha phawda belcha description in English

    A shovel is a tool for the primary purpose of digging, scooping and moving materials & heavy materials. It comes with a slightly broad blade attached with a medium-length handle typically made of wood. Shovel blades are usually made up of sheet steel or hard plastics. A T-piece is added to the head of the handle to boost grip and control.

  • Shovel (spade) word root and origin:



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