Makhamala - Velvet
Meaning of Makhamala in English. How does Velvet look like
Learn what is Makhmal(Hindi), Makhamala(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.
- Makhamala transliterate in EnglishVelvet
Makhamala description in English
Makhmal, also known as velvet, is a type of woven fabric. The fabric contains evenly distributed cut threads with a short dense pile, giving it a soft look and feel. Because of the feel of the material and it’s high cots, velvet is often associated with nobility. Makhmal is often woven on a special loom that weaves twice the thickness of materials at the same time.
Velvet or Makhmal can be made with a variety of fabrics, the most expensive of which is silk.
Velvet word root and origin:Velvet originated in China and appears to have been iin the 13th century.
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