Paaristhitikee tantr - Ecosystem

Meaning of Paaristhitikee tantr in English. How does Ecosystem look like

Learn what is Paaristhitikee tantr(Hindi), Parisanstha(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Ecosystem look like
  • Paaristhitikee tantr transliterate in EnglishEcosystem
  • Paaristhitikee tantr description in English

    Ecosystems are an area in which animals, plants, and other living things and the weather and landscape collaborate to form an environment that is a living bubble. Ecosystems are made up of living, or biotic parts and abiotic elements and nonliving elements. Biotic elements are animals, plants, and other living organisms

  • Ecosystem word root and origin:



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