Rojwood - Rosewood Tree
Meaning of Rojwood in English. How does Rosewood Tree look like
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- Rojwood transliterate in EnglishRosewood Tree
Rojwood description in English
The rosewood tree, or Dalbergia, is highly valued for its wood, which is hard, dense, and fragrant. The wood of the tree is used to make high-quality furniture, musical instruments, and decorative items. These large tropical trees belong to the Fabaceae family.
The rosewood trees can grow up to 100 feet tall, with a trunk that can reach up to 3 feet in diameter.These trees have dark green leaves that have pointed tips. The tree produces clusters of small, fragrant flowers that are pale pink or white in color. The fruits of the rosewood tree are small pods that contain one or two seeds.
Rosewood is highly beautiful, durable, and has a unique aroma. Its wood is highly priced which makes very good objects.
Dalbergia spp is a scientific name of Rosewood Tree
Image Credit: Rosewood Tree
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