Pich gachha - Peach Tree

Meaning of Pich gachha in English. How does Peach Tree look like

Learn what is Aadoo ka Vrksh(Hindi), Pich gachha(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Peach Tree look like
  • Pich gachha transliterate in EnglishPeach Tree
  • Pich gachha description in English

    Peach Tree is a world popular fruit that originally came from China. Its scientific name is Prunus persica. It bears juicy and delectable fruits. These trees can grown Up to 25 feet tall and feature a circular canopy of leaves that change color from green to red or yellow in the autumn. 

    The fruit from the tree is an oblong or fuzzy, spherical drupe with a firm pit or stone in the center and a juicy, delicious pulp surrounding it. Peaches are frequently consumed fresh or utilized in a variety of dishes, including pies, pastries, preserves, and jellies.

    Peaches are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and have been linked to a number of health advantages, including better digestion, an improved immune system, and a decrease in inflammation. Peach trees are not only useful for food, but they also have significant ecological advantages, such as fostering biodiversity, enhancing soil fertility, and providing home for wildlife.

    Prunus persica is a scientific name of Peach Tree

    Image Credit: Peach Tree

  • Peach Tree word root and origin:



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