Kadali gachha - Banana Tree

Meaning of Kadali gachha in English. How does Banana Tree look like

Learn what is Kele ka Ped(Hindi), Kadali gachha(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Banana Tree look like
  • Kadali gachha transliterate in EnglishBanana Tree
  • Kadali gachha description in English

    The banana tree is a tropical plant that belongs to the Musaceae family. Its scientific name is Musa. These are large herbaceous plants that are native to Southeast Asia and have been cultivated for thousands of years.

    A banana tree is known for its sweet and nutritious fruits, which are enjoyed all around the world.

     The banana tree grows to a typical height of 30 feet and develops large leaves that can be up to 9 feet long and 2 feet wide. The plant produces a large flower stalk that grows in the center of the plant and eventually develops into a cluster of bananas. The bananas are also useful when green and unripe, and they also serve as excellent fruits when they turn yellow as they ripen.  The large leaves of the banana tree are commonly used for cooking and culinary purposes, such as wrapping food or as plates. 

    The fibers of the leaves can be used to make textiles, paper, and even musical instruments.

    These trees are highly valued and play an important role in human diets and cultures. Its many uses and benefits continue to make it a beloved plant around the world

    Musa is a scientific name of Banana Tree

    Image Credit: Banana Tree

  • Banana Tree word root and origin:



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