Fikas gachha - Ficus Tree

Meaning of Fikas gachha in English. How does Ficus Tree look like

Learn what is Ficus ka Ped(Hindi), Fikas gachha(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Ficus Tree look like
  • Fikas gachha transliterate in EnglishFicus Tree
  • Fikas gachha description in English

    The ficus tree, also known as weeping fig, comes from the fig family which includes a variety of trees and shrubs. The tree’s scientific name is Ficus Benjamina. There are over 800 varieties of ficus tree that are indigenous to tropical and subtropical areas of the world, including Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The characteristics of Weeping ficus are aerial roots of ficus trees that grow from the branches, bury themselves in the soil, and eventually sprout secondary trunks. While some Ficus species are enormous, long-lived canopy trees, others are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other trees.

    In many places of the world, the ficus tree has cultural and ecological significance. The tree is revered and connected to spiritual and religious practices in several civilizations. Others utilize it to provide shade and decoration in public areas like parks and gardens. Ficus trees play significant ecological responsibilities as well. Insects, birds, bats, and other animals of all kinds can find food and refuge in them. The bark and latex of several Ficus species are used to treat a range of illnesses. Several Ficus species are also used for food.

    Ficus is a scientific name of Ficus Tree

    Image Credit: Ficus Tree

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