Devadaru gachha - Deodar Tree
Meaning of Devadaru gachha in English. How does Deodar Tree look like
Learn what is Devadaar ka Ped(Hindi), Devadaru gachha(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

- Devadaru gachha transliterate in EnglishDeodar Tree
Devadaru gachha description in English
An indigenous coniferous tree to the western Himalayas and eastern Afghanistan is the deodar tree, commonly referred to as the Himalayan cedar. It is a sizable evergreen tree with a conical or columnar shape that can reach heights of 40 to 50 meters. The deodar tree is renowned for its lovely, supple, silvery-blue needles, which can reach a length of 7.5 cm.
The deodar tree is prized for its sturdy, long-lasting wood, which also has a lovely aroma. It is employed in construction to create furniture, houses, and temples. The tree is also employed in traditional medicine, where it is said that the resin it produces has therapeutic benefits for the treatment of colds, coughs, and other respiratory illnesses.
The deodar tree is a crucial component of the Himalayan ecology, providing habitat for several bird and animal species. For its aesthetic value, it is frequently planted in parks, gardens, and by the sides of roads. It is also a symbol of power and perseverance. Despite being a well-liked ornamental tree, deforestation, overgrazing, and climate change are putting the deodar tree in danger and causing its population to drop across much of its original area. This significant tree species and its environment are the subject of conservation efforts.
Cedrus deodara is a scientific name of Deodar Tree
Image Credit: Deodar Tree
Deodar Tree word root and origin: