Patala paana madhuree - Aniseed

Meaning of Patala paana madhuree in English. How does Aniseed look like

Learn what is Saunph(Hindi), Patala paana madhuree(Odia), Saunph(Urdu) known as English.

How does Aniseed look like
  • Patala paana madhuree transliterate in EnglishAniseed
  • Patala paana madhuree description in English

    Aniseeds are mainly used to complement food either alone or sometimes in combination with candy-coated fennel seeds. Some common names are:- Anise, Anisette and Anis. Most of the people get confused with Fennel but they are two different plants of the same family. It has immense health benefits includes: ability to decrease bloating and balance the digestive conditions, for the treatment of cough, asthma and bronchitis.

    The scientific name of Aniseed:- Pimpinella anisum

  • Aniseed word root and origin:



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