Jaiphala - Nutmeg

Meaning of Jaiphala in English. How does Nutmeg look like

Learn what is Jaayaphal(Hindi), Jaiphala(Odia), Jaayphal(Urdu) known as English.

How does Nutmeg look like
  • Jaiphala transliterate in EnglishNutmeg
  • Jaiphala description in English

    Nutmeg is a spice obtained from the nutmeg tree that belongs to the myristica genus. It has a slightly pungent fragrance and a slightly sweet taste. So Nutmeg is used to impart flavour to many kinds of baked goods, meats, vegetable e.t.c. It has a long list of medical benefits including its ability to relieve pain, insomnia and indigestion.

    The scientific name of Nutmeg:- Myristica fragrans

  • Nutmeg word root and origin:



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