Teevr - Acute

Meaning of Teevr in English. How does Acute look like

Learn what is Teevr(Hindi), Tibra(Odia), (Urdu) known as English.

How does Acute look like
  • Teevr transliterate in EnglishAcute
  • Teevr description in English

    The word acute is a single word; it´s not a pair of words and it doesn´t involve things that are small, cuddly and beautiful! Acute actually means "sharp" and "severe" as well as "intense" and alters certain types of angles in geometry, or is a description of a particular kind of illness that is of shorter duration. The English word was reportedly introduced into the English language in the 16th century, derived from the Latin root "acutus," which translates to "sharp" as well as "pointed".

  • Acute word root and origin:



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